Converseen is an open-source batch image processor for Windows, Linux and macOS that allows you to convert, resize, rotate, and flip an infinite number of images with a mouse click.
Converseen is finally able to properly support HEIC/HEIF formats, PDF without the need for additional dependencies, and all camera RAW formats supported by libraw without the need to use third-party and no longer supported tools such as ufraw.
Thanks to ImageMagick, the powerful image manipulation library, Converseen can handle more than 100 image formats, including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PNG, SVG, TIFF, WebP, HEIC/HEIF, and many others.
Converseen is designed to be user-friendly, fast, practical, and best of all, it’s available for free!
Features of Converseen
- Carry out a single or a multiple conversion.
- More than 100 different image formats
- Resize one or multiple images.
- Compress images for your web pages.
- Rotate and flip images.
- Rename a set of images using a progressive number or a prefix/suffix.
- Selecting a resampling filter to resize images.
- Convert an entire PDF to a bunch of images
- Extract an image from a Windows icon file (*ico)
Changes in Converseen
- Added options for handling existing files during conversion
- Updated Italian translation
- Various Bugfixes