DllRegSvr is a powerful application which enables you to register and unregister DLL and OCX codec files using the RegSvr32 tool, which is included with Windows.

The main advantage of using this application is avoiding the trouble of running regsvr32 from the Start Menu all the time.

Because DllRegSvr is a graphical user interface, working with it is faster and simple compared to command-line interface applications.

There are two executable files supplied in the download:

- the 32 bit version, DllRegSvr.exe, and
- the 64 bit version, DllRegSvr64.exe

It is not possible to register a 32 bit component with the 64 bit version and vice versa.

DLL and OCX files need to be registered on your computer so you can call the ActiveX or ASP components. These files contain one or more classes which can be called using a programming language providing support for ActiveX.

In order to register these files, one must use a command line utility called RegSvr32.exe, which is supplied by Microsoft. Users need to type the path of the DLL in the command prompt window, which is rather uncomfortable. Here is where DllRegSvr comes into action and provides a graphical user interface for selecting the file.

DllRegSvr is very easy to use: running as an administrator (from Windows Vista onwards), open the application and use the file browser to select the path of the DLL or OCX file you want to register. Click the Register on the Unregister button, depending on what you want to achieve.

DllRegSvr is an extremely helpful tool recommended to advanced users who need a fast and easy way of registering and unregistering DLL and OCX files. This utility helps you enjoy the benefits of the RegSvr32 program in a user-friendly way.
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