Lame 3.100 for Mac OS

LAME MP3 Encoder for Mac OS is a free MP3 encoder which is compatible with Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later.

The main features of this encoder are:

- being compiled as libmp3lame.dylib, 
- working with Audacity, including the Lame front-end and documentation,
- being compiled with GCC 4.0.1, universal binary (Power PC and Intel), 
- and running on OS X 10.4 and later with a G4 or a better processor or any Intel processor.

There are 4 versions of Lame:

- one compiled by a japanese guy (LAME encoder 3.100, AltiVec/SSE Optimized),

- other compiled by snifferdog (Lame encoder 3.99.5 together with the LIBMPG123 decoder 1.12.1),

- another one compiled by Thalictrum (Lame 3.99.5 and 3.97)

- and last one (LAME 3.98.2), compatible with Audacity and which will run on both PowerPC and Intel powered Mac was compiled by Paul Sanders.

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