MP3 Diags 1.5.03 beta

MP3 Diags comes in handy when you have issues with your MP3 files.

It allows you to inspect this type of audio files and to make several changes such as adding track information.

The developers of MP3 Diags have taken into account a wide variety of MP3 file issues – more than 50, actually.

This application provides easy solutions for a variety of problems, from adding cover art to fixing VBR headings.

MP3 Diags detects MP3 files issues such as low audio quality; missing track info and cover art; broken tags, headers and audio; incorrect placement of tags and headers; broken track and cover art information; missing normalization data; character encoding issues and duplicate tags and headers.

Furthermore, MP3 Diags can fix many of these problems. What MP3 Diags can do is correcting files that show incorrect song duration, correcting files in which the player cannot seek correctly, converting characters for non-English names, renaming files based on their fields, changing word case for track info, adding composer name to the artist field and adding or fixing track information including album cover.

The source of album cover information can be Internet databases, file names, local files, clipboard and, of course, the users, who can type any piece of information they wish.

Other fixes that MP3 Diags can do are normalizing track sound, repairing or rebuilding VBR data, and removing broken streams, truncated audio streams and multiple ID3 streams.

The developers of MP3 Diags warn users to back up file if they use functions of MP3 Diags which alter files, in order to prevent data loss.

Changes to MP3 Diags 1.4.01:

- updated links to use https pages
- integrated changes from 1.5.02:
- made "close" button visible in KDE
- added some compile-time checks to make project build on Arch
- Qt5 port
- retries on file read failure
- fix for UTF8 output in calls to mp3gain (Linux only)
- new transformation: "Remove Xing or LAME streams from CBR files"
- always show sessions button if there are more than 1 sessions

With MP3 Diags, your damaged or incomplete MP3 files are not lost forever anymore; you can easily detect issues and make quick fixes using a user-friendly and intuitive interface.
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