WavPack DirectShow Filter Decoder

WavPack DirectShow Filter Decoder is a tool derived from the CoreWavPack filters collection and its purpose is offering support for the WavPack files, recognizable by the extensions .WV and .WVC.

Just like its predecessor, WavPack DirectShow Filter Decoder contains two DirectShow filters:

- WavPackDSDecoder.ax
- WavPackDSSplitter.ax

Consequently, you will be able to play WV and WVC files in any media player which is based on DirectShow:

Windows Media Player, Zoom Player, MPC, SPlayer, etc.

The only problem you may encounter with this tool is installing the filters to your computer; the set up process is a bit different than in other software.

First, you need to extract files from the archive.
Use the files from the Release, Release Unicode, x86 or x64 folders.
Copy the DLL or AX files in the system32 folder from C:\Windows.
Eventually, go to Start->Run and type regsvr32 filename.dll or regsvr32 filename.ax in order to install the files.

If you want to uninstall WavPack DirectShow Filter Decoder, type regsvr32 -u filename.dll or regsvr32 -u filename.ax.

If you are unable to install the filter, please read this small guide: How to install/uninstall DLL and AX codec files from Guides section.

The last versions of WavPack DirectShow Filter Decoder had their WavPack library sources updated and support for x64 and 7.1 channel playback was added.

By installing this tool to your computer, you will be able to enjoy the advantages of the WavPack compression format: compression rate between 30% and 70%, lossless or high-quality lossy compression, plus a unique hybrid mode (lossy file and a correction file).

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