FLAC 1.5.0 reviews

3.4 from 5 Reviews
FLAC 1.4.1
on 23 September 2022
No instruction, how to installing?
Review # 1

It's a command line app, you need an interface (GUI) to use it. FLAC Frontend could be an option. Or, you can use the dlls, from libFLAC pack with an encoder. There are plenty listed in the Audio Encoders subcategory ;)

on 23 Sep 2022, by codecs.com admin

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FLAC 1.3.2-2019-05-04
on 15 May 2019
The very last version from developers was updated 2017.01.01 )) Today is 2019.05.16. Think.

Admin's note: It's latest git version, compiled by NetRanger.
Review # 2

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FLAC 1.2.1b
on 04 May 2013
Ok, it not work wit 32 bit float files. Just convert to 24b Type 1. Don't worry it is perfect to lossless: 32b = 24b + 8b (exponent to manipulate, not really important) ;)

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_precision_floating-point_format

- Do you have problem to encode? Try to Disable Replaygain.
- I don't know why, but Once I had to disable the Add Tags to work...
Review # 3

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FLAC 1.2.1b
Master Coder
on 29 October 2007
what do you mean "you can not decode"?

Don't you understand how this works?

Encode your high quality wav files (direct CD rip) with flac, then you can play them with foobar2000 - absolutely no quality loss.

And, btw, NO your files will not be of better quality, when you encode your mp3 files to flac. You need to have highest quality for source material - mp3 is already crippled audio - it still sounds good, at least for non-musicians, but FLAC is for the elite studio guys.

mp3 means degradation and degeneration of your perception, it will kill your senses.

You will not understand this, when you are young today - you will understand, when you will be old, but then it will be to late.

If you really love music - USE FLAC!
Review # 4

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FLAC 1.1.4
on 11 March 2007
cant decode doesnt even give any error while decoding dont you have GUI for these?!
Review # 5

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