fre:ac 2025-02-17 reviews

4 from 3 Reviews
fre:ac (formely BonkEnc) 1.0.18
on 01 May 2011
From the other modern-ui programs this toke 5min to understand but from that point I was very impressed both with the speed and quality.

I have yet to do a large batch but it seems quite stable. That fact that the ui is so "old-school" suggest the time was spend on making it work right.
Review # 1

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fre:ac (formely BonkEnc) 1.0.18
on 03 April 2011
Best free audio ripper and converter I've come across. It's fast and the quality of the files is excellent.
Review # 2

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BonkEnc 1.0 beta 3
on 28 March 2006
good ! a interagted product .
It can't add plug-in ,It can't use nero-aac to convert .
After I finished converting , time say "13566"
Review # 3

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