x265 Encoder 4.1+110 reviews

4 from 7 Reviews
x265 Encoder 3.6 13 1
Padman Kumar Patra
on 31 May 2024
good and fantastic!
Review # 1

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x265 Encoder 2.7.20
on 02 April 2018
nice product, well developed.
Review # 2

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x265 Encoder 2.1.69
on 09 December 2016
It's better than the previous version. it's improved on it's encoding speed and output size. x264 gives 80 MB on 20 min with 1280x720 video. but in x265 it gives only 30 MB.

Perfect Work. Continue it.
Review # 3

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x265 Encoder 1.9.141
on 25 April 2016
How to use this? I also run it's .exe files but it just suddenly show a small console then close.
Review # 4

This is commandline-based app. so, you have to run it via cmd terminal. if you want to simply open it by 2-clicking, try to finding its GUI based. h265 encoder have x265GUI for its GUI.

on 09 Dec 2016, by Syahriel_Ibnu

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x265 Encoder 1.7.442
on 27 August 2015
I have been trying the 1.7 release and each version speeds up the encode.

From my own tests, the x265 encode at medium is faster than the x264 encodes while giving a file size that is 50% smaller.. All this is subjective ofcourse.. But it does look like the developers are doing a great job and maybe the experiences from the x264 project helps them a bit here..

It took much longer for updates to come out with x264 to show similar achievements and although it is missing functionalities of the x264 encoder, it now has pretty much everything to go head to head with the older codec.

I was skeptical at first but cant beat the speed and quality increases the new x265 brings to the table. As it took almost a decade for x264 to mature, we can start seeing wide spread use far sooner here as the gains are substantial.
Review # 5

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x265 Encoder 1.5.454
on 31 March 2015
compared to x264 it is way too slow and good only at low bitrates
Review # 6

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x265 Encoder 1.2.513
on 12 August 2014
I have not tried out this software yet, but if it is a good encoder, then maybe someone can implement it into the Handbrake video encoding software.

That would probably make X265 encoder the new "norm" to encode anime videos and the like.

That is just my opinion so please, take it with a grain of salt.
Review # 7

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