K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 18.8.5 Final reviews

4.32 from 384 Reviews
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.25
on 01 July 2007
No more QuickTime Alternative...

What if the people from RealMedia come with a similar threat/request? And the sellers of the DVD codecs included in K-Lite? I'm sure the DivX company is not too thrilled about having their codec inside a pack either.

Giving in to requests to remove codecs leads to a very slippery slope.
Review # 226

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.25
on 27 June 2007
I read that codec-packages might give you big problems later on so I only install
what I need for the moment. The K-Lite pack however seems better than others.
Quicktime Alternative missing in this package? Well, I always had some problem
when using Real Alternative and Quicktime Alternative together so I've been using
Real Alternative only and the... real Quicktime. Since I almost never watch Quicktime or Real movies, they are there just in case. This time I'll download the K-Lite
Mega Codec Pack 2.25 and I hope it will fix some broken codecs reported by
Sherlock - The Codec Detective. Let's see... Now where's the original K-lite site??
Before I found you, I thought that "Het Edskes" was the place. LOL. Since their
version is 2.10 only, I'll keep codec.com in my favs. Thanks! :)
Review # 227

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.20
on 21 June 2007
Contains all the codecs I ever need, didn't let me down from the moment I use this codec pack.

***To all those who are still wondering as to why Quicktime alternative is move, the answer is here:

http://www.codecguide .com
Review # 228

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.20
on 20 June 2007
Put back Quicktime Alternative. It's NOT a "mega" pack without it.


Put QT Alternative back or someone will get spanked.
Review # 229

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.20
on 19 June 2007
Awesome pack, but can someone explain why QT Alternative has been removed? Maybe I'll just stick with 2.10...
Review # 230

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.20
on 19 June 2007
Why do you want to destroy the very foundations of my favorite one stop codec pack?? Put Quicktime Alternative back!!!!!!!
Review # 231

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.20
on 18 June 2007
Better than "codecs all in one" package, keep up the good work.
Review # 232

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.20
on 18 June 2007
I have been experiencing problems in playing ape and dts/wav files with any post-1.71 versions of K-lite mega codec . Any help is appreciated.
Review # 233

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.20
on 16 June 2007
One of things why I used this pack is QT Alternative
Review # 234

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.20
on 16 June 2007
v2.20: QuickTime Alternative removed.

Review # 235

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.10
Derek Burton
on 09 June 2007
All hail K-Lite!!

My older .wav files wouldn't play and serveral .avi's. I tried uninstalling, reinstalling, and individually installing and uninstalling both DivX and Xvid packages many times. I even did the same with several versions of Windows Media Player. I can't tell you how much time I spent on this including searching for answers online. After unstalling the other codec packs K-Lite had everything working in one fell swoop.

Way to go K-Lite!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you...
Review # 236

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.10
on 05 June 2007
realy I've been using K Lite mega codec for years it has always been the best .
Review # 237

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.10
on 03 June 2007
I am using VISTA ULTIMATE and almost everything works great...
i just have one question:
does anyone knows why programs like "windows dvd maker" stops working with videos? when i try to use it with photos it works just fine, but with videos it doesn't...
this hapened after i instaled these codecs

i would apreciate any information anyone can give me
Review # 238

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.01
on 19 May 2007
Thanks for the info Patrick. Looks like I might be up a creek then. I've installed this on my work laptop, so changing the sound card isn't an option.

Very frustrating...

Review # 239

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 2.01
on 19 May 2007
Rubens, to your post... I had the EXACT same problem. It was never a problem in XP HOWEVER, when I installed XP Media Center 2005 it started. Then my on board sound wouldn't work in Vista, although it claimed the driver was installed, can't remember if I ever solved that problem. so I went out and bought a 30 dollar creative sound card that had vista 64 drivers.

PS. fry's $uck$. they only have like 4 computers in the whole store that are on the internet... the freakin sales men, when I asked them to go on the internet to give me an answer they didn't know, "we don't have internet connection here" as he is standing in front of about 100 computers on display... or rather, because of their lack of internet, bricks on display. A cashier recommending the repair desk just to see if creative had vista 64 drivers out... gd**n

I've been using K Lite for years upon years and it has always been the best.
Review # 240

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