K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 18.8.5 Final reviews

4.32 from 384 Reviews
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.59 - Update
on 20 October 2006
This is really a great package; I have always used it and it has always worked. I AM always able to to play EVERYTHING!!!! I need nothing elese. GREAT work guys!!!!!! Neat, Thanks a lot!!!
Review # 256

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.59 - Update
on 08 October 2006
If can play DVD-audio also I think it will better !!! anywhere good pack!!! well done!!!
Review # 257

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.59 - Update
on 28 September 2006
Awesome, been waiting for an updated version with the latest Quicktime to get rid of horrid iTunes 7.0's bundled Quicktime.

Overall this is the best codec pack available, IMO.
Review # 258

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.58
on 13 September 2006
great codec pack
Review # 259

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.58
on 12 September 2006
sorry. my english very bad. But this codec pack is very good.
Review # 260

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.58
on 11 September 2006
The codec pack makes my media centre windows lose TV signal. Anyone knows of a fix? Otherwise it is great.
Review # 261

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.58
on 05 September 2006
Why they've excluded the BSPlayer???
Review # 262

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.57
on 18 August 2006
Thx Holy for help
Review # 263

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.56
on 17 August 2006
and it uses a nuts of codecs for ogg. the best for decoding ogg is radlight ogg.
Review # 264

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.56
on 17 August 2006
can't decode/encode bink video or smacker.
Review # 265

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.56
on 13 August 2006
to: Radeon
go Options->Output and change DirectShow Video to VMR7 (windowed) then reopen the video file to take effect.
Overlay Mixer can't save images, but its rendering speed is the fastest.
Review # 266

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.56
on 09 August 2006
erm can someone tell me why there's an e error ( GetCurrentImage fail, hr=8000ffff )when i tried to take video shots using the media classic player ? overall its a excellent codec pack
Review # 267

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.55 - Update
on 05 August 2006
Tried the other codec pack, called Ace Mega codec pack but quickly became a big fan of klite.
Works best with WinAvi converter 7 to decode and encode any video format.
Review # 268

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.55
on 31 July 2006
It's exelent, but I have had some problems with the code AC3 version 1.02a!!!
One of my videos with this decode cannot funtion properbly and the only way it's worked is with the olderst AC3 version 0.70b?????
Review # 269

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K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.54 beta 2
on 15 July 2006
It works perfectly on my system but i wonder why some of .OGM/.MKV movies are not recognized or having problem on playing. I try to download them again but it seems like the mega codec pack version of MKV/OGM has the problem.developers, can you just try to check it out.

anyways,Thank you... The mega codec pack has the only all-in-one codec pack....
Review # 270

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