AVS Media Player 6.0.1 reviews

2 from 8 Reviews
AVS Media Player
on 13 January 2012
I don't really think that 87mb worth it, choose vlc or kmp less than 25mb and is great.
Review # 1

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AVS DVD Player
on 07 March 2009
Pretty much a waste of time.
Review # 2

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AVS DVD Player 2.5.1
on 12 May 2007
doesnt work at all on win xp pro
Review # 3

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AVS DVD Player 2.3.1
Graeme Osborn
on 01 March 2007
I have installed the great program on a laptop with Vista opperating system. it runs like a dream and is better for DVDs than windows media player 11.
Review # 4

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AVS DVD Player 2.3.0
on 11 February 2007
Installed, program loads video to 22% and locks-ups!!!
Has not played a single DVD!!!
Review # 5

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AVS DVD Player
Cant even run it!
on 29 June 2006
Installed on Windows 2000. When I run it I get an error saying "Class not registered". That's all.
Review # 6

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AVS DVD Player
Still waiting...
on 04 April 2006
Installed the software, loaded a DVD...
...nothing. I clicked PLAY, software states it's "Loading DVD video. Please wait..."
and I waited... ...and waited ...and clicked play and waited... ...and waited... ...clicked play...
I must be crazy, because I think something different is going to happen if I just keep clicking PLAY... ...and I waited...
Nice looking interface... ...still waiting...
Review # 7

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AVS DVD Player
on 25 March 2006
no real rating, so set to three

tries to connect to internet after install or on launch (can't quite be sure which as I launched from install) yet no "autoupdate off" option in preferences, so unsure if this is safe or innocent

as usual, no brightness / contrast controls, and as dvds usually play very dark, this is the usual waste of time, no matter how pretty a player it appears to be
Review # 8

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