Useful guides and tutorials related to codecs and multimedia.

Recommended video tutorials about codecs
A few video tutorials, selected by us, about codecs, containers and formats.

How to install/uninstall DLL and AX codec/filter files
Learn to install/uninstall DLL, AX files using command prompt.

How to synchronize subtitles?
Learn how to synchronize subtitles using DirectVobSub/VSFilter.

An easy way to play 3GP files
3GP is a file format specially developed for 3rd generation mobile devices and based on the...

How to play AMR files?
Some easy ways to play AMR files using Winamp or Windows Media Player.

How to fix divide error in module IVIAUDIO.AX at...
It exists in systems that have various Sound Blaster Live (Creative Labs) sound cards and WinDVD (InterVideo, Inc.) installed.

How to capture images from movies using Media Player Classic
There is nothing more easy! Open the movie with Media Player Classic and choose...

Audio Codec Tags
The list of most common audio tags and their corresponding codecs.

What do you need to know about codecs
Have you ever asked yourself "What a codec is?", "What's the difference between Lossy and Lossless codecs or Speech and Audio codecs?" and so on...?

The easiest way(s) to capture images from Windows Media Player
Pressing the "Print Screen" key while playing a movie file in Windows Media Player will not allow you to save the current frame. However, you can do it...

CD Ripping / Encoding Guide
Learn to rip your favorite songs from your favorite CDs, and encode those digital songs as high-quality MP3s, using CDex and LAME, the world's best MP3 encoder.

How to play AC3 files, or AVI with AC3 audio?
In order to play AC3 (Dolby Digital) files or DTS (Digital Theatre Surround) streams included in AVI/OGM/MKV files...

How to fix Class not registered or 80040154 error
Class not registered is one of the most annoying and frustrating error message

How to Get the Codecs Downloaded Automatically to Windows Media Player
The default settings do not allow for the download of the codecs but fixing it is quite simple.

VBR encoded MP3 files, advantages (and disadvantages?)
With Variable Bit Rate MP3s, the encoder automatically detects which bit rate is most apropriate for the sound...

What Codecs Should I Use?
You have downloaded a video or audio file and you are unable to open it or it does not play properly. This can be due to a simple reason: a missing codec.

Checking Installed VIDEO and AUDIO Codecs In Windows XP
View your installed codecs in Windows XP without playing the guessing game.

DVD Digital Copy Protection (Madness)
Or the dirty little secret of DVD; few interesting things about CSS, RCE, DVD Region Coding...