MP3jam reviews
Io dico solo che forse gli sviluppatori dovrebbero andare a lavorare la terra' braccia rubate all'agricoltura.
Questa funziona una volta su cento senza nessun accenno ad una possibile soluzione. E poi per cortesia perché non e possibile scrivere recensioni negative quando un software non funziona. Serve x fare capire ad altri utenti la qualità del software e porre in essere soluzioni appropriate. Grazie.
Da inizio anno ad oggi avrò fatto cinque o sei segnalazioni negative e nessuna di queste è stata pubblicata come mai? Cmq ad oggi sono circa tre settimane che l'applicazione è down? Perché? Possiamo sperare in una risoluzione del problema? Oppure se avete voi qualche soluzione? Grazie x la cortese risposta.
Admin's Note: reviews section is for all visitors. We can't publish 10 reviews, one after another, by the same user saying, mainly, the same things. We hope you understand.
As a side note, if your problem persists with this software, it is wisely to contact developers.
Would not waste my money if I were to do it again!
Non riesco a capire come mai funziona per un giorno e poi x venti giorni no. Come mai? È un problema di software o è un altro il problema. Se non è un problema di software dovrebbe funzionare sempre o sbaglio.
Allora scusate consiglio x gli sviluppatori ad ognuno il proprio lavoro ma se nn ne siete capaci di svilupparlo bene cambiate lavoro c'è tanta terra che aspetta di essere lavorata.
i have emailed mp3jam again but all you get is the same standard email. i have given it two stars at a push. once you have upgraded it says now you download like a maniac!!!!!
can somebody please bring back mp3rocket
I don't know if Microsoft is involved with this software If they are they should be fined up the goozoo.
Yesterday it was working on a windows seven machine and it was great, and then all of a sudden goodbye, no listening and no downloads there was just a pretty picture of MP3Jam couldn't do anything with it.
Like I said before this system $uck$ and whoever is involved with this interruption of service I hope that this will happen to them only worse. Thanking you individuals who will be reading this opinion of mine and hoping its MP3Jam organization.
Hi Lou. I know how you feel i got same problem.However !! just tried right clicking on MP3Jam shortcut. Then opened the Compatibility Troubleshooter.
Let it do its thing in Auto Mode. Then try the app. it says running in Windows 8 even though i am using Windows 10. Who cares its now working again.Give it a try . Hope it works for You.
I Thought that MP3 had received an immunization for the Corona Virus Which I thought was great. On Sunday today 03.30.20 Guess What The Virus came back and can not play or download any music.
I guess we will have to inform to all the individuals that use MP3Jam not to eat the Jam part, Its filled with this virus and wait for a real immunization for it.
I hope it will be quick and satisfactory and once again thank you individuals whomever you are that let me stay on the MP3Jam system for that long, I hope you will continue, but this software the way it is right now really $uck$.
Try 4K Video Down loader, free version. Or you can get the paid-for version with no adds.
I have the free version and it works OK for me.It downloads music and videos.I also have the Free YouTube Download v. 4.3.19 Premium.
Cost me about 29.00, but the customer service is good if there are any problems.I also use YouTubeMusic .com, free version in conjunction with YouTube Premium - its really good.
It outclasses any musicvideo downloader Ive come across to date-:)