How to Download HEVC Video Extension for Free reviews

Leonardo Gabriel
on 21 March 2025
Instalar de manera desatendida...
powershell -Command "Add-AppxPackage -Path 'C:\DescargasMyApp.appxbundle'"
Review # 1

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on 15 March 2025
Fui na cara e na coragem fazendo esse tutorial achando que não daria certo, mas FUNCIONA!

Muito obrigada aos envolvidos, salvaram meus conteúdos!
Review # 2

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Marcos Carvalho
on 27 February 2025
Comprei uma GoPro 11 Black e saí para fazer meu primeiro vídeo com a câmera, o problema foi quando fui assistir; o vídeo ficou muito bonito em 4K, só que ficou dando travadas e fiquei muito chateado com os travamentos do vídeo, achei que a câmera estivesse com defeito. Aí busquei no Y.T uma provável solução e caí aqui de "paraquedas" e resolvi o meu suposto problema, que era falta de um "codec." Quase fui na loja devolver a câmera. Essa solução encontrei no canal do ProAventura.

Muito obrigado ao canal do ProVentura e todo o pessoal que desenvolveu essa solução. Fico muito grato mesmo, e agora tá rodando vídeo sem travamento, graças à esse tal de "codec" que eu nem sabia que existia haha tô felizão agora!

Obrigado aqui também: SITE CODECS!
Review # 3

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on 22 February 2025
I didn't even THINK this would work by going to these weird sites. But it does work. Thank you so much now I can see my HEIC videos that I render out. Normally even VLC wouldn't show it. Thanks again!
Review # 4

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Peter M
on 19 February 2025
I have clients that send me interior sitephotos in HEIC and HEVC format a Windows and Android user nothing opened them for me, I used online converter which is a hassle.

Then I found this....Windows Store said it can`t install on my device even though I`m running Win 10 Pro but the copy / paste link worked and downloaded the package to desktop, scanned with Bitdefender (clean) and installed.

Right away the HEIC images started to show up in explorer and open in Iview. Photoshop also opens them now without issue, so it worked great!

Review # 5

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Keith Biggs
on 08 February 2025
This page and the Adguard deal both look sketchy as heck, but it does indeed work, much to my surprise.
Review # 6

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on 06 February 2025
Woohoo! It worked for me!

I had taken quite a few videos in Spain on my Galaxy S23 cellphone, which I moved to a dual flash drive, and then to the external hardrive for my desktop computer.

That darn HEVC code wasn't on my Windows 10 system, so I couldn't see the videos on my desktop.

Microsoft tried to keep me from the free download site in Chrome, listing the site as "not secure." But I went to the site anyway and saved the download in my browser history.

You directions were perfect.

Thank you VERY much!
Review # 7

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on 24 January 2025
The tip on using the adguard download was a life saver! Thanks you!
Review # 8

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on 19 January 2025
The .crdownload file means the download is incomplete or failed.

Check Chrome's Downloads page (Ctrl+J) to resume or retry the download, or use other browser, like Firefox or Edge to download the file again.
Review # 9

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on 19 January 2025
Following your instruction, I got a file as follows: Unconfirmed 794662.crdownload

What do you do next?
Review # 10

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on 18 January 2025
Thank you very much!
Review # 11

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on 17 January 2025
That worked great. Thank you very much!
Review # 12

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on 12 January 2025
i love u bro :DDDD
1 comment
Review # 13

Love you too, bro.

on 13 Jan 2025, by Kos

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on 09 January 2025
Super! Thank you!!!
Review # 14

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on 07 January 2025
Wow... it works!!! GREAT
Review # 15

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